Out-Side-In – Inclusive adult education with refugees is a three year lasting European project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. Erasmus+ supports transnational partnerships among education, training, and youth organisations to foster cooperation and bridge the worlds of education and work in order to tackle the skills gaps we are facing in Europe. Out-Side-In is a strategic partnership in the field of adult education. Nine institutions from six countries collaborate in order to develop inclusive, innovative methods in adult education for refugees. The project has started in September 2015 and will last until August 2018.
Project Manager
Project Lead

30167 Hannover

Project summary
2015 starts with a “global” crises of a new record number of refugees and provides European receiving countries with major challenges: ghettos in the largest "refugee Country" Sweden, followed by populist movements as PEGIDA in Germany and the classic first asylum country Italy, violence rise against asylum seekers in Greece, refugee tents as untenable terminals in transit countries such as Turkey and Slovenia. General policy questions, are followed by the ones of everyday urban life and the new coexistence of majority population and refugees door-to-door. Host societies often show stabilization of prejudices and reservations, which are hardly broken on both sides: as refugees’ social participation opportunities and ways of communicating are missing, there are hardly any opportunities to meet with locals (contact hypothesis).
This seriously hampers the social integration of refugees (2013 Federal Office for Migration and Refugees),nourishes new waves of "foreigners hostilities" and leaves the majority society unprepared for intercultural coexistence in immigrant societies. Educational institutions can take in a key role in the tension between integration and separation of these two social groups. Although the educational landscape of inclusion debates are running on (European Agency / UNESCO) and the technical staff must rely on teaching intercultural competencies to successfully work with heterogeneous groups, still the target group of refugees remain a left out space. The new term "inclusive adult-education" tries to grab this gap and promotes a comprehensive commitment of adult education for inclusion. This means the accessibility of educational opportunities for all people regardless of "(..) ethnicity, (..) social or economic conditions". Especially adult and elderly refugees experience the threat of social exclusion.
OUT-SIDE-IN therefore is committed to qualify multipliers for the inclusion of refugees in adult education, offering new opportunities of interacting and channels of communication between these groups aiming to soften prejudices and to promote awareness and respect of multiple perspectives in today’s ́ immigration societies. For this purpose, Out Side In develops a 5-module program for multipliers qualifying them for inclusive adult education with refugees. With 9 partners in the 6 mentioned countries, Out-Side-In will provide needs analysis for target groups, develop and test innovative educational material and methods for learner groups with refugees, train and support 150 multipliers for sustainable implementation and publish all project-results for public free access on this website. Out-Side-In provides results that qualify educational staff in inclusive teaching and learning skills by creative methods for moderating groups including refugees, raise awareness for multiple perspectives and understanding between the majority society and refugees, reduces prejudices and offers new arrangements for their relationships, provide opportunities for participation and learning for refugees. Overall Out-Side-In contributes an educational puzzle that contributes its part for reaching more inclusive societies.
Promotional Material

News & Events
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Last partner meeting in Konya, 5th/6th June 2018
On the 5th and 6th June the last Out-Side-In-meeting took place in Konya, Turkey. It was organised and hosted by the Konya Metropolitan Municipality, the meeting was led by Arne Schrader from the Leibniz University of Hannover. Various aspects concerning the final products (Handbook and Toolbox) and the project-evaluation were discussed. Additionally, the partners talked about dissemination- and e...xploitation-strategies for a sustainable outreach of the project-products in the future. It was a very fruitful last meeting in a very nice environment. A lot of thanks to our Turkish hosts, who took a lot of effort organising this meeting!
The final outcomes of the project will be published on our website soon. You will have the chance to download the handbooks and toolboxes in all partner-languages.

Fifth partner meeting in Ljubljana, 14th/15th November 2017
On the 14th and 15th November the 5th partner-meeting took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was a very fruitful and productive meeting regarding the finalisation of our curriculum. The consortium will now focus on the development of the Out-Side-In-Handbook that will be presented at our last meeting in Konya, Turkey in the beginning of June 2018.

Fourth partner meeting in Rome, 9th/10th May 2017
On the 9th and 10th May the fourth Out-Side-In-meeting took place in Rome, Italy. It was organised and hosted by Betti Cannova and Speha Fresia, the meeting was led by Arne Schrader from the Leibniz University of Hannover. Various aspects concerning the project-development were discussed: the upcoming Multiplier Events during the summer, the finalization of the Out-Side-In-curriculum, first drafts of the handbook and toolbox and dissemination- and exploitation-strategies for a sustainable outreach of the project-products in the future. The new project-partner University of Vechta was introduced and welcomed to the consortium. We also had the chance to visit a refugee’s home, which was coordinated by Marco Bono and Cooperativa Eta Beta, getting great insights and inspirations for our work.
The next meeting will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in October this year. Then, the implemented multiplier events will be evaluated and the final work on the Out-Side-In-Handbook is about to start.

Third partner meeting and staff-training in Larissa, 21st to 26th November 2016
The third Out-Side-In meeting took place in Larissa, Greece from 21st to 26th November. Five days of this very productive week included a staff-training. It was hosted by Andreas Almpanis of the Synergy of Music Theatre and led by Arne Schrader, Leibniz University of Hannover. During the staff-training partners from Greece, Italy, Turkey and Germany presented their concepts of the Out-Side-In-modules. These modules are going to be part of the curriculum and handbook for teachers addressing refugees in their classes. The test run in Larissa was a good opportunity to evaluate the modules for further improvement. The first version of the curriculum and handbook will be presented during the next meeting in Rome in May 2017.
In Larissa, we also had the chance to introduce and welcome the new project partners from the University of Siegen and the University of Pavia. It was a fruitful and vivid week of discussions, debates and development of the project.

Second partner meeting in Lund, 5th and 6th of September 2016
On the 5th and 6th of september the second Out-Side-In meeting took place in Lund, Sweden. It was organized by Åsa Kajsdotter of the Folkuniversitetet Kristianstad and the Leibniz University and led by Christoph Wolf, Leibniz University Hannover.
The meeting was mainly concerned with a in depth discussion of the need analysis and its potential influence on the following modules. Based on the results of the need analysis, all modules were discussed and deadlines were agreed on in order to have them ready for the test run i Larissa at the end of November.
Again, the meeting was a highly efficient and all issues were covered and discussed in detail.

Kick-off meeting in Hannover, 5th and 6th of April 2016
The kick off meeting took place in Hanover, Germany on the 5th and 6th of April 2016. It was organized by the Leibniz University and led by Susanne-Verena Schwarz, Leibniz University Hannover. After each partner introduced him/herself and his/her institution, the consortium went through every detail of the project. According to the respective responsibilities the partners presented the different intellectual outputs and multiplier events. Furthermore, I.O 1, the need analysis, was discussed in more detail and the whole consortium worked on the questionnaires for refugees, citizens and multipliers of adult education. It was a highly efficient meeting, and a solid base for further cooperation was build.
About Us
Institute for Didactics of Democracy, Germany

The Coordinator of the Project is the Institute for Didactics of Democracy of the Leibniz University Hannover in Germany. The university was funded in 1831, nowadays it has 21,000 students and 4,700 staff members. Didactics of Democracy describes the scientific examination of a “learning democracy”. Students who will become teachers for civic education are enrolled here. Active citizenship it the focal point of teaching and researching. The Institute has a strong record of developing educational tools, curricula and teaching material.
Folkuniversitetet, Sweden

Folkuniversitetet is an adult educational association that offers a wide range of adult education all over Sweden. Folkuniversitetet is an association of five foundations: the extra-mural departments attached to the Universities of Stockholm, Uppsala, Göteborg, Lund and Umeå. Folkuniversitetet runs numerous internationally oriented activities such as language courses, courses abroad and projects with an international emphasis.
Synergy of Music Theatre, Greece

Synergy of Music Theatre (S.Mou.Th.) is an non profit organisation, whose workforce is a group of dedicated, experienced and emerging artists.
S.Mou.Th. has been founded in Larissa-Greece, in 2001 by young theatre, music, dance and media artists. After operating for about 2 years in the framework of the Cultural Organisation of the Municipality of Larissa, it finally obtained its legal entity in 2004, and since then has become fully independent. The fundamental objectives of S.Mou.Th. are to provide youth and adults opportunities of initiation, training, education, creation, research and professionalization, in the performing and audiovisual arts, and by this process, to reinvent the means of artistic expression.
SMouTh’s work, both locally and at a European level, includes educational courses, cultural activities and events with special focus on social aspects, professional productions of theatre, music theatre and operas, and the annual organisation of two festivals
Speha Fresia, Italy

Speha Fresia Cooperative is a non-profit organisation, and it acts since 1983 at local and national level in the fields of lifelong learning, labour active policies, local sustainable development and social research. The organisation is linked to the regional/national cooperative movement and it provides guidance, training, coaching paths on general management, entrepreneurial guidance, human resources and organisational culture development, communities’ empowerment and participatory practices.
ZRC SAZU, Slovenia

The Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) began its independent career in 1981, even though the majority of the institutes under the aegis of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts had already been operating several decades earlier. The period of independence was turbulent, exciting, and successful. ZRC SAZU is entering its mature period as one of the leading research and educational centres in Slovenia, and is completely comparable with the most prominent academic institutions in central and southeast Europe. More than three hundred associates are organized into eighteen independent but coordinated and interconnected institutes. Work at ZRC SZU is distinctly interdisciplinary and based on cooperation, complementation, and synergy. The diverse research areas can be summed up in the study of cultural, social, and natural phenomena, processes, and practices. The results of our work are similarly diverse. These results are visible not only in research and discussion articles, as well as general-interest publications, but also documentaries, promotional films, maps, CDs, posters, exhibitions, and websites.
Slovenian Migration Institute (SMI) at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) is involved in interdisciplinary research of international migration. Researchers are focused on emigration and immigration issues, analyses of return migration, ethnicity, migration and integration processes and policies, cultural-artistic production of migrants and different methodological and theoretical research approaches to migration. Their disciplines span from the humanities to social sciences – historiography, literary history, art history, ethnology, anthropology, geography, cultural studies, political studies and sociology. Researchers are involved in international projects and strive to compare their own research with related Slovenian and foreign research methods and results.
Konya Metropolitan Municipality, Turkey

Konya Metropolitan Municipality is a local government in Konya, Turkey. It gained the status of Metropolitan Municipality in 1982, it has 18 departments, 75 branch offices and approximately 8000 employees. It is the largest municipality in Turkey and covers an area of over 42 thousand km2 with 2.200.000 population. It give local governmental services to 31 districts with the understanding of social municipalism mentality. In 2014, with its 1 Billion TL budget, it was one of the municipalities with the highest budget. Our mission is to serve to citizens with a participant, transparent administration understanding without making compromises in justice and honesty and to use resources as planned, programmed, effective and beneficial to satisfy the needs of the city and city population. Furthermore, providing high quality living standards for the population to enable them reach historical, cultural and financial prosperity is one of our primary goals.
Universität Vechta, Germany

Cosmopolitan, personal, familial – the University of Vechta is a youthful, modern campus university with excellent conditions for studying and a clearly delineated profile. For the 5000 students and 400-odd staff, the campus offers a familial atmosphere conveniently coupled with the infrastructure of a modern university. The Bologna Process has been fully implemented, with the emphasis on quality – attractive, forward-looking courses, personal support and global exchange programmes are the hallmarks of a high quality degree programme.
The University of Vechta has set out to present a clear profile to the business, social and cultural world. The Vechta region offers the perfect laboratory for addressing a range of issues impacting on the future viability of our global society – an economic boomregion in the heart of the countryside, a provincial global player, a unique cultural and social identity, natural spaces and intensive agriculture; contrasting factors which resolve into an excellent quality of life. The University of Vechta’s development plan defines the rural space as a framework for profiling the areas of education, aging, social services, cultural change and regional development. The choice of focus represents a conscious response to the University’s location, which delineates it from urban spaces and creates additional research prospects, including at the international level.
Universita' Di Pavia, Italy

The University of Pavia is one of the world’s oldest academic institutions: it was founded in 1361 and until the 20th century it was the only university in the Milan area and the region of Lombardy. Today 24,000 students, from both Italy and overseas, study at our University. The University of Pavia covers all subject areas
and is composed of 18 Departments offering study programmes at all levels, from Bachelor’s degrees to Doctorate programmes. Research departments promote and coordinate research activities. They embrace one or more research sectors which are homogeneous as regards goals, methods and subjects taught but often subdivided into sections (Sezioni) in which groups of teachers with similar research and teaching profiles participate.
Four Elements, Greece

Four Elements is a Non-Profit Organization and Non Governmental Organization (NGO) based in Athens and Thessaloniki area. four ELEMENTS established in 2008 and is an innovative and pioneering Greek organization, with international cooperation and activity. Four Elements acts primarily on prevention, information, planning, evaluation, submission and preparation of studies and sensitivization actions in the field of environment, health, welfare, culture, human resources development, R & D etc. Recent actions carried out by the company are actions regarding prevention of Web risks and dangers to school children, distribution of informative material, ad hoc consulting at homes of parents etc. Four Elements has great experience and is intending to play a major role in the future in awareness campaigns and assistance in various areas, organizing workshops and other events (for alcohol, smoking, risks at work etc) and the advisory and support to people with disabilities. Purpose is to solve people problems, awakening of social consciousness and awareness both in Greece and worldwide.