IDD Institut für Didaktik der Demokratie Institut News und Veranstaltungen News
Call for Papers: Inclusive Citizenship Education in Times of Crisis

Call for Papers: Inclusive Citizenship Education in Times of Crisis

The 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE of the JOURNAL SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA “REINVENTING EDUCATION” will be hosted online June 3 through 5 2021, by Scuola Democratica, Centro Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Didattica (University of Cagliari and University of Sassari), Il Mulino. The challenges posed by the contemporary world have long required a rethinking of educational concepts, policies, and practices. The question about education ‘for what’ as well as ‘how’ and ‘for whom’ has become unavoidable and yet it largely remained elusive due to a tenacious attachment to the ideas and routines of the past which are now far off the radical transformations required of educational systems.   


We invite you to submit an Abstract/Paper for your presentation at the Panel session: B.7 INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION IN TIMES OF CRISIS  

In the proposed panel we want to investigate how the democratic educational mandate can be fulfilled in times of crisis. What role does citizenship education play in the political discourse on school closings and distance learning? Is citizenship education as one of the central educational tasks marginalized in times of crisis? We want to answer the question whether until now enough has been done to educate towards citizenship and democracy from different perspectives. We want to examine what kind of educational concepts we need to enable people to deal with conspiracy theories. Does education represent a bulwark against them and what research tells us about the variability of values, attitudes, and political preferences?  


Abstracts/Paper should be submitted by April 4, 2021. For more information on how to submit your Abstract/Paper, please click here

Die zweite INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE of the JOURNAL SCUOLA DEMOCRATICA “REINVENTING EDUCATION” wird vom 03. bis 05. Juli 2021 online von der Scuola Democratica, Centro Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Didattica (University of Cagliari and University of Sassari), Il Mulino, veranstaltet. 

Wir laden Sie dazu ein, ihr Abstract/Paper für Ihre Präsentation in der Panel Session B.7 INCLUSIVE CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION IN TIMES OF CRISIS einzureichen. 

Abstracts/Papers sollten bis zum 04. April 2021 eingereicht werden. Mehr Informationen zum Einreichen Ihres Abstracts/Papers finden Sie hier